Monday, 1 December 2014

Genre, Audiences and Institutions

Genre is a relevant concept for audiences because they will know what genre of film they prefer therefore know what to expect from the films and they'll be more likely to watch it if they have a brief idea of what to expect.

 If a film production company has a reputation for making good quality films, the audience are more likely to go and watch that film. If a director or producer is known for making a specific genre of film, for example Richard Curtis is known for directing Romantic Comedy films, therefore the audience are more likely to watch it because they can predict and rely on the quality of the film they are paying to see. This will impact the production company because if they build a good reputation, the films they make in the future will be more successful. If they choose to produce a film that is not a typical genre of that company, the audience will be more intrigued.

Genre is useful for the film distribution companies as when it comes to advertising the film, they can include the conventions of a stereotypical specific genre. Some actors are known specifically for specific genres, the distribution companies can use these by when they're constructing posters and other media texts they can make the better known characters specific to the genre more dominant within the text to intrigue fans of those characters.

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